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Chitri O Bhaskar Gosthi

In 1987 late-20th century ‘CHITRI O BHASKAR GOSTHI’, the renowned artists' group of Kolkata was formed by the nine artists (founder members), Asoke Kumar Biswas, Rama Prasad Ghatak, Ashim Bose, Hirendra Nath Dutta, Ratan Bandopadhyay, Chandrasekhar Acharya, Swapna Sen, Ashutosh Chakravarty & Prithwis Sikdar.

Artists of any organized troupe of our time are not loyal to any schooling unlike the artistic movement of other times. Artists of ‘CHITRI O BHASKAR GOSTHI’ thus following the unit of the collective whole is singular an inseparable. Following the verdict of time are self-established in their own creative spheres. But at the same time united as they are, they form the group by themselves in terms of diversity of individual artistic ideas.

At present nine artists belongs to this group of whom two are working on sculpture and the rest are painters. The age span of ‘CHITRI O BHASKAR GOSTHI’ is neither too long nor too short. This group is striding on with different assignments for more than three decades.

It has already been completed the glorious 30 years. Every member of its trying to keep their potentiality with deep devotion in their working spirit into their respective stylization through the works. The artists of this group have been presenting works of art to the connoisseurs since the inception of the group and there is no denying of the fact that they are a unique semblance of different experiments of form content and medium and on contemporary stand. Apart from this the artists never ignore away of events relevant to artists and art. For the promotion of art this group organized the art workshops in collaboration with rustic folks in the village fair through the formal seminar of art.

Following the tradition the artists of the group have paid tribute to the devoted artists of our time. We have the honour to state that we have felicitated the eminent artist Shri Bhabesh Ch. Sanyal, Shri Sunil Ch. Das. We have similar program for the coming days too.Art exhibitions of this group in the different cities like Mumbai (Jehangir Art Gallery), Delhi (Lalit Kala Akademi) and other prominent art galleries in India gave gloriously presented the work of art. Thus this group is committed to contribute to the changing trends of art and artists in respect of time.